Add Subtitles to Video

Add subtitles manually, automatically transcribe or upload subtitle files
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Add Subtitles to Video

Add Subtitles (Captions) to Video Online

You can now add subtitles to video in 3 different ways:

  1. You can enter them manually;
  2. Automatically generate subtitles (using our speech recognition software)‍;
  3. You can upload files (eg SRT, VTT, ASS, SSA, TXT) and add them to your video.

No matter which option you choose, you can easily edit subtitles. You can easily and conveniently change the time of the subtitle, change the color, font and size of the subtitle, and edit the text of the subtitle itself.

We know how painful it can be to manually add subtitles. That’s why we came to the rescue. With EasySub, you just click a button and your subtitles will magically appear. Then you can make super easy edits. Just click on the text and start typing. Watch your changes in real time.

How to Add Subtitles to Video

1.Upload a Video(Audio) File

Click the “Add Project” button and select the video (audio) file to add subtitles. Choose from your files, or just drag and drop. You can also upload by pasting the video URL address.

Add Subtitles to Video Online
Upload Video Platform

2.Automatically Generate Subtitles

Click the “Add Subtitles” button and you can start configuring the generation of accurate subtitles or writing subtitles manually.

Add Subtitles to Video Online
How to get automatic subtitles

3.Edit, Export & Download

Click the “Edit” button to enter the subtitle details page, and you can edit any text, font, color, size and time. Then just click the “Export” button, wait for the export to complete, then click the “Download” button to download the video or click the “Get Subtitles” button to download the subtitles.

Add Subtitles to Video Online

Who Can Use EasySub?

Automatically generating subtitles

Tiktok video maker can use our auto subtitle generator to add subtitles to their videos, export videos directly and conveniently into a video suitable for Tiktok resolution, and share them on social media platforms to gain more interaction with the audience and more Fans.

For some small language movies or movies without subtitles, you can use Auto Subtitle Generator to quickly and easily obtain the subtitles of the movie, and provide free translation into bilingual subtitles. You can quickly add subtitles to the movie with a simple operation.

If students and teachers need to quickly add subtitles to a learning video or get a subtitle of a learning audio, EasySub is an excellent choice.

The professional subtitle group can use our online automatic subtitle tool to edit the video and subtitles. Then the results of the auto-generated result. It saves a lot of time.