Add SRT to MKV

Upload MKV video and generate SRT, push SRT into MKV
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Add SRT to MKV

Add SRT to MKV Online

Simply upload the MKV to get accurate SRT subtitle files.
You can merge SRT subtitle files with MKV files online without downloading any software.
Easy subtitles are permanently burned (hardcoded) into the video.
You can even edit the subtitles themselves and choose the size, font, color and style. All online.

How to Add SRT to MKV

1.Upload the MKV file

Select your video file. Just drag and drop it into the editor.

2.Automatically generate SRT

Click “Add Subtitles”, select the original language of the MKV and the language to be translated, and click “Confirm”.

3.Permanently add subtitles to MKV videos

To burn subtitles into your video, just press “Export”. Your video and subtitles will be saved as one file.

Advantages of Adding Subtitle to MKV via EasySub

Your hardcoded (burned in) subtitles will now always be visible to viewers. without opening them.

Your MKV videos will be accessible to a wider audience. People who are deaf or hard of hearing, people who speak different languages, and people who watch videos without sound.

You can even translate subtitles. Create multiple subtitle tracks in different languages and burn each subtitle track to your MKV video.

Add SRT to MKV

Who Can Use EasySub?

Automatically generating subtitles

Tiktok video maker can use our auto subtitle generator to add subtitles to their videos, export videos directly and conveniently into a video suitable for Tiktok resolution, and share them on social media platforms to gain more interaction with the audience and more Fans.

For some small language movies or movies without subtitles, you can use Auto Subtitle Generator to quickly and easily obtain the subtitles of the movie, and provide free translation into bilingual subtitles. You can quickly add subtitles to the movie with a simple operation.

If students and teachers need to quickly add subtitles to a learning video or get a subtitle of a learning audio, EasySub is an excellent choice.

The professional subtitle group can use our online automatic subtitle tool to edit the video and subtitles. Then the results of the auto-generated result. It saves a lot of time.