Is-deitl GPT

Use AI to create subtitles based on video content. ChatGPT Subtitle Creation Tool
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Is-deitl GPT

Is-deitl GPT

Use our free online AI video to text tool to create subtitles from videos in minutes with generative AI. Generate accurate subtitle GPT based on the video content combined with the audio. Just type and watch our AI tool work its magic.

Currently, it is only available if you have a ChatGPT Plus account. But if you want to try our free subtitle GPT tool online without an account, try our video to text tool. Create GPT4 subtitles instantly in just a few simple steps! Streamline your content creation process with EasySub’s cutting-edge AI subtitle editor.

1.Simply upload video or audio files.(Supports long videos & audios, no restrictions.)

Is-deitl GPT

2.Select the corresponding original language and the language to be translated, click Confirm, and Subtitle GPT will quickly generate subtitles for you through AI.

Is-deitl GPT

3.After the subtitles are generated, you can go into the details to edit the subtitles, export the video, etc.

Is-deitl GPT

No need to add subtitles manually yourself. Use EasySub’s Generadur is-deitl AI to generate video subtitles with over 95% accuracy and put them into production. Our artificial intelligence will provide you with a script, then use our subtitle editor to create scenes! From subtitles, video titles to bilingual translation subtitles, use EasySub’s AI to do it!

Convert your video content into multiple subtitle languages. With our fideo-i-destun AI and speech-to-text tools, you can choose from a variety of voice configurations, languages, and accents. Perfect for users who need to add subtitles to their videos but don’t have the time to make them manually.

In addition to powerful AI tools, EasySub also provides a full set of manual and automatic subtitle editing functions, allowing you to create professional-looking videos without learning. In addition, if your video is longer than 2 hours, don’t worry, we provide long video transcription services for up to more than 10 hours.

Pwy All Ddefnyddio EasySub?

Cynhyrchu isdeitlau yn awtomatig

Gall gwneuthurwr fideo Tiktok ddefnyddio ein generadur auto subtitle i ychwanegu is-deitlau at eu fideos, allforio fideos yn uniongyrchol ac yn gyfleus i fideo sy'n addas ar gyfer datrysiad Tiktok, a'u rhannu ar lwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol i gael mwy o ryngweithio â'r gynulleidfa a mwy o Gefnogwyr.

Ar gyfer rhai ffilmiau iaith fach neu ffilmiau heb is-deitlau, gallwch eu defnyddio Cynhyrchydd Isdeitl Auto i gael isdeitlau'r ffilm yn gyflym ac yn hawdd, a darparu cyfieithiad rhad ac am ddim i isdeitlau dwyieithog. Gallwch chi ychwanegu is-deitlau i'r ffilm yn gyflym gyda gweithrediad syml.

Os oes angen i fyfyrwyr ac athrawon ychwanegu is-deitlau yn gyflym at fideo dysgu neu gael is-deitl o sain dysgu, EasySub yn ddewis ardderchog.

Gall y grŵp is-deitl proffesiynol ddefnyddio ein offeryn isdeitlo awtomatig ar-lein i olygu'r fideo a'r isdeitlau. Yna canlyniadau'r canlyniad a gynhyrchir yn awtomatig. Mae'n arbed llawer o amser.

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