How to Auto Subtitle Video in A Best Way 2024

Articles and tutorials for more creativity

How to Auto Subtitle a Video
In this article, we'll introduce you to EasySub's auto subtitle and automatic translation tools and how to use them in any video.

Video creators need an auto subtitle video solution to save them the tedious job of transcribing. Include the time and effort of generating SRT files, adding closed captions, or embedding captions directly into video files before sharing them on social media.

EasySub’s AI-powered automatic captioning tool solves this problem and speeds up the process of adding captions to videos. I’ll tell you all about EasySub’s auto subtitle tool and how to use it in any video.

Auto Subtitle Video Online
Auto subtitle workspace

How to Automatically Generate Subtitles on Videos?

Enter EasySub Workspace by going to in your browser and clicking “Upload Video“. Then, you can upload any video from your device or paste the link to an online video (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). EasySub doesn’t have any upload limit, so adding auto subtitles to a movie is also a good option.

After the video is completely uploaded, click the “Add Subtitles” button. In this menu, you can choose the language of the video and even choose another language for EasySub’s auto translation feature. After a few minutes, You can enter the details page to adjust and optimize the subtitles.

Auto Subtitle Video Online

Auto subtitle configuration

How does auto subtitle video work?

EasySub’s auto caption tool are based on AI. We will first extract the audio in the video, and then generate the text through AI speech recognition. Finally, we will assemble the generated text into corresponding subtitles.

According to our optimization, auto transcription is about 95% accurate.

At EasySub, we believe that machine learning should be a tool that complements rather than replaces creative skills. That’s why EasySub Titler imports AI-generated transcriptions into a complete editor that you can tweak and change. Creators add their subtitles only after they have reviewed, adjusted and refined the text that will appear in their videos.

Auto subtitle Video is EasySub’s first technology that uses artificial intelligence to complement human creativity. Automatic captions will save social media creators time without sacrificing the clarity and engagement that captions add to video viewers.

We hope the auto subtitle feature will encourage more creators to caption their videos. Such as Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. People even started adding captions to TikToks.