Categorïau: Offer

Trawsgrifiad AI

Defnyddiwch Offer Trawsgrifio AI Ar-lein

Easily identify audio content with EasySub’s artificial intelligence AI transcription tool. No need to spend hours manually transcribing manually! Upload the video and audio you want transcribed and let our advanced algorithms do the work for you.

Best of all, it’s completely free and accessible online from your browser – no software or plugins required! With EasySub, you can transcribe video content in minutes, whether you are an experienced video producer or a novice in the field of video content creation. Try it now and take your video content to the next level!

Sut i ddefnyddio'r offeryn trawsgrifio AI:

1.Upload ffeiliau fideo a sain

Yn gyntaf, gallwch uwchlwytho ffeiliau fideos neu drwy lusgo a gollwng. Gallwch hefyd uwchlwytho'r fideo yn uniongyrchol trwy gludo'r URL Youtube.

2.Generate isdeitlau

Secondly, click “Add Subtitle” and select the corresponding language and the translate language, and generate and translate the subtitle.

Is-deitlau 3.Export

At Last, you can export video and subtitles by clicking “Export”.

Mwy nag offeryn trawsgrifio AI yn unig

Mae EasySub yn gadael ichi wneud mwy na dim ond trawsgrifio'ch fideos. Mae'n feddalwedd golygu fideo proffesiynol popeth-mewn-un gyda'r holl offer sydd eu hangen arnoch i greu fideos hardd yn hawdd, p'un a ydych chi'n ddechreuwr neu'n grëwr cynnwys proffesiynol. Gallwch chi animeiddio fideos a lluniau ac ychwanegu emojis, testun a delweddau. Ceisiwch EasySub today and start creating fun, professionally subtitled videos in just a few clicks – online!


Cyhoeddwyd gan

Swyddi Diweddar

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Ar-lein Am Ddim Auto Isdeitl Generator

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Downloader Isdeitl Am Ddim

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