Kako dodati samodejne podnapise prek EasySub

Pomembnost dodajanja samodejnih podnapisov videoposnetkom

Trenutno je veliko skupin samodejnih podnapisov poskušalo samostojno dodati samodejne podnapise. Izdelava visokokakovostnih podnapisov se je izkazala za izjemno dolgotrajen proces. Poleg tega ustvarjanje podnapisov zahteva posebno znanje in tehnično znanje.

Not only does the video content need to be transcribed – which itself takes a lot of time – but also formatting and time stamping.

Hkrati je na tej točki dobro znan pomen dodajanja podnapisov:

Prvič, vaš video naredijo bolj dostopen gledalcem, ki so naglušni ali morda ne govorijo jezika v vašem videoposnetku.

Drugič, napisi bodo povečali število ogledov in sodelovanje. Vaši videoposnetki bodo postali priljubljeni, ker ljudje raje gledajo tovrstne videoposnetke brez zvoka.


EasySub, an spletni samodejni generator podnapisov, lahko tradicionalnim skupinam podnapisov pomaga hitreje in učinkoviteje dodajati podnapise videoposnetkom.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add automatic subtitles with EasySub:

1. korak: Prijavite se za brezplačen račun

First, click the “Register” menu to enter the account registration page.Then, quickly enter the account password or log in directly through the Google account to get a free account.

2. korak: naložite video ali zvočne datoteke

Next, click the “Add Project” button to upload the video file in the window. You can click to select the file or drag the file to the upload box to upload the video.However, uploading via Youtube’s video URL is the faster option.

3. korak: videoposnetku (zvoku) dodajte samodejne podnapise

After this, video is uploaded successfully. You only need to click the “Add Subtitles” button to see the configuration for generating automatic subtitles.

Then, select the original language of your video and the target language you want to translate and click the “Confirm” button to generate automatic subtitles.

4. korak: Pojdite na stran s podrobnostmi za urejanje podnapisov

Wait for the subtitles to be generated, which usually only takes a few minutes. We can click the “Edit” button to open the subtitle list. Select the automatic you just produced to continue and click “Edit”.

5. korak: Uredite podnapise & Uredite videoposnetke & Izvozite videoposnetke & Prenesite SRT & Prenesite videoposnetke

After entering the details page, we can perform detailed subtitle review and editing based on the audio track and subtitle list. By modifying the style of the subtitles, we can make our subtitles and videos fit better. We can also modify the video’s background color, resolution, and add watermarks and text titles to the video.

The above is the process of how to obtain accurate automatic subtitles through EasySub. Is it very simple and convenient? Let’s start it for free.


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